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logo brand identity ECS Skincare by Downtown graphics


ECS Skincare


Logo Design

Brand Concept
Branding / Visual Identity
Art Direction
Copy Writting / Wording

Print & Social Campaign

Country / Year:

USA / 2020


ZGMad x Downtown


Founded in California in 2020, ECS Skincare is a natural cosmetic brand using CBD as an active ingredients. This revolutionary molecule, derived from cannabis, provides relaxing, anti-aging, invigorating... but most of all accelerates the skin regeneration and renewal of epidermal cells: You change your skin!


Built upon the idea of a new skin, a new self, the creative concept associates the natural snake ability to moult, with the desire to get freed from social masks ans pre-established codes: Shed skin, reveal Yourself.


With the objective of targeting a young audience, and the creation of an open, inclusive and gender-free brand , this concept is also the representation of a more tolerant generation with new standards.

Gravure ancienne d'un ouroboros, concept marketing de branding

The ouroboros

is an ancient emblem present in various cultures all over the world.
In certain Myths, this dragon or snake biting his own tail symbolises the circle of life, the fertility,
the renewal, the regeneration or the infinite...


Moult/ Skin
Regeneration /

Medical Caduceus/
Ouroboros ...
Equilibrium/ Symbiosis/
Cannabis/ CBD/
Natural Extracts / Organic/ Eco-Friendly /
ECS Skincare graphic stamp
business cards design by Downtown marketing agency


Trame graphique pour l'identité visuelle d'une marque de cosmétiques de luxe
brand colors graphic designer Downtown
brand creation advertising studio
brand identity ECS skincare Downtown graphic design
Mockup d'un tote bag pour l'identité visuelle d'une entreprise
logos & marks by Downtown graphics


Packaging minimaliste pour des produits cosmétiques de luxe
cosmetic packaging Downtown design agency
pack-shot advertising agency Downtown graphics
cosmetic tube packaging mock-up
design packaging by downtown branding
shopping bag design mock-up Downtown


Affiche publicitaire 4x3 réalisée pour la marque ECS skincare par le graphiste Downtown
poster design freelance graphic designer
print communication poster Downtown agency
model portrait cosmetic brand advertising
Creation of flyers and prospectuses by the graphic designer Downtown Lyon
Panneau publicitaire pour la nouvelle campagne de la marque ECS Skincare
model and logo brand assets ECS skincare
advertising poster design mock-up by Downtown


webdesign website mock-up ECS by Downtown
Creations social media graphics web designer Lyon Downtown
Social media post design graphic designer Lyon Downtown
Post social marketing, web artistic director
Instagram thumbnail with the brand's muse
Social media graphic design for digital communication
Social media content for company web branding
Advertising visual by the Downtown communications agency in Lyon
Artistic direction for social advertising and e-marketing
Network marketing strategy for ECS Skincare
Visual social networks digital communication brand ECS
Graphics and packaging for the ECS graphic charter
Post Instagram pour la communication digitale de la marque
advertising campaign by Downtown graphic studio
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