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Logo Design

Corporate Identity & Branding

Brand Positioning


Social Medias Contents

Country / Year:

France / 2021




Goyavaa is a home-made, organic tea brand, launched by Maria Samuel in Lyon (France) circa 2021.

Originally exclusively created for family and friends, the rapid success of Goyavaa's recipes convinced Maria to develop an actual brand and sell a selection of her finest teas to the public...

Inspired by the tea leaf, raw materials and oriental decor elements, the visual identity deployed also tends to reflect eco-friendly values, simplicity, exclusivity and the high-quality of Goyavaa's finest teas...

Employed on stationaries, print and of course social networks, the branding is also very present on the packagings, allowing a good identification and coherence throughout all communication supports.

design d'un packaging et sachet de thé par le graphiste Downtown Lyon


Presentation of the logo on burlap for Goyavaa branding

G letter




tea leaf


Graphic stamp for the Goyavaa visual identity
Tea flower, visual identity and logo inspiration
Creation of a poster for a tea brand, artistic director Lyon Downtown
mockup presentation of the Goyavaa logo engraved on wood


Visuel clé de l'identité visuelle goyavaa
Tea and infusion, art direction for the key visual of the brand
Content design for social networks, web graphic designer Downtown
Color chart used for Goyavaa's branding
Cup of tea, advertising visual for the luxury brand Goyavaa
fleurs de thé géometriques et formes graphiques de l'identite de marque graphiste Downtown à Lyon
Explanation of visual identity and creation of the brand logo

step 1.

step 2.

step 3.

step 4.

Mockup of a paper cup for the organic tea brand Goyavaa
Creation of content for communication on social networks
Design and creation of t-shirts by the graphic designer Downtown in Lyon
Design d'un tote bag et produits dérivés pour la marque Goyavaa


Conception et design de packagings pour une marque de thé de luxe
Packaging design by graphic design studio Downtown in Lyon
Creation of ecological packaging for a French tea brand
Packaging presentation mockup, freelance art director Downtown in Lyon
Creation of a range of tea packaging for a luxury brand
Affiche théillère pour l'identité de marque Goyavaa, direction artistique à Lyon
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