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visual identity design rare Aspen by Downtown


The Aspen Show Group


Logo + graphic assets
Art Direction
Print & Social Campaigns
Event visual identity

Country / Year

USA / 2019




Rare is the new event for fine art collectors, antiques, exceptional jewelry and precious objects... Place for exhibitions, gala, and business, the show gathers the most notorious jewellers and sellers, with the wealthy Aspen tourists.

For the creation of its visual identity, the final concept is a modulable graphic system based on a square and the logo inspired from the Art Déco movement. Balanced between modernity and retro, the graphic assets is as elegant as disruptive.

The graphic concept is also conceived to be adaptable to a potential franchise in Miami, and the various digital and print mediums.

Détail de l'affiche officielle créée pour l'évènement Rare à Aspen


visual identity graphic designer Downtown


Détails de la charte graphique créée pour l'évènement
stationnary mock-up brandingrare aspen
business cards design Downtown Agency
wall sticker logo design Downtown branding agency
printed invitation design by Downtown designer
Création d'un total covering véhicule pour le branding de l'évènement


advertising campaign poster design Rare Aspen
wine bottle packaging design Downtown studio
packshot branding key visual advertising
advertising poster design Downtown marketing agency
Creation of t-shirts for the brand's visual identity
Mockup des sacs de shopping brandés aux couleurs de la marque
A4 magazine mock-up Downtown graphic designer
event design and promotion by downtown marketing agency
mobile app design webdesigner freelance lyon
Creation & design of an advertising poster for the Aspen event & show Rare by graphic designer Downtown


Web design et création du site internet de l'évènement
social media community management rare aspen
Visual of the Rare Aspen web advertising campaign
Social content and community management mockup Rare Aspen
Freelance web designer and web graphic designer Downtown Lyon
Creation of websites and web marketing in Lyon
Example of post for the event's social networks
Creation of content for the brand's social networks
Social marketing for the event
Digital visual identity of the Rare Aspen show
Mockup presentation of digital content
Visual for brand networks
Visual communication and digital marketing for Rare Aspen
Creation of branded posts and graphic content for social networks
Graphic visual created for the web marketing of a luxury brand
Social viral campaign for brand promotion
Community management and company web graphics
Création de contenus sociaux pour le community management de l'évènement
professional business cards design online
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