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woman mirror logo advertising agency Downtown


Saint-Germain Salon


Logo Design
Corporate Identity
Packagings Design
Brand Universe
Art Direction

Country / Year:

USA / 2020




Saint-Germain is a notorious high-end hair salon based in Washington DC, and founded in the early 2000's by the french-american couple Franck Rihouey & Teri Ku.

The store relocation in downtown DC in 2020 was the opportunity to totally review the décor and architecture of the place, but also its visual identity ...

Inspired by french luxury brands, and some of the décor elements (colors, patterns...), the graphic universe tries to reflect elegance, sophistication and fanciness, but also modernity, cleanliness and avant-garde.

Thus, the logo also refers to Paris and the “French Touch”. Its simplicity allows instant and durable identification of the brand, but also a versatile and easy use on various communication supports like print, web, social medias or packagings ...

Shampoing, visuel d'ambiance en gros plan pour la publicité de la marque


Chez le coiffeur, illustration de l'univers visuel de la marque
Arc de Triomphe à Paris, explication du concept et parti-pris graphiques
Salon/ Beauty
“Like a Star” /

Fanciness / Exclusive ...
Saint-Germain / Paris/
Champs-Elysées / French Touch
/ Open Door ...
logo concept explaination design agency Downtown
Ciseaux noirs de l'univers de marque conçu pour Saint-Germain
model branding saint-germain by downtwn graphic designer
strore façade mockup saint-germain
apron mockup logo design agency Downtown


Composition graphique et typographique pour l'identité visuelle Saint-Germain
key visual hairsalon branding by downtown graphics
scissors mockup branding agency Downtown
Coiffeur, illustration de l'identité visuelle du salon
business card design black & white by Downtown
salon interior mirror visual identity design by Downtown
t-shirt design graphic identity by Downtown graphic designer
Mock-up d'un tote bag personnalisé avec le branding du salon
branding design mockup Downtown graphic design agency


Packshot produit réalisé pour la campagne de communication d'une marque de luxe
square bottle packaging design by Downtown graphic designer
cosmetic packaging design by downtown graphic agency
hairspray packaging mockup by downtown graphic design
black pocket mirror logo mockup by downtown
black packaging design downtown graphic design
shopping bags design communication agency Downtown


Portrait d'une mannequin pour la campagne de publicité de l'entreprise
luxury advertising campaign by Downtown communication
black ipad branding logo saint-germain Downtown graphics
hair cut model branding agency Downtown graphics
webdesign macbook pro mockup Downtown graphics
Web graphics for the digital world of the hair salon
Social media communication mockup
Creation of digital content for company branding
Community management and web marketing for the luxury brand Saint-Germain
Example of an Instagram post for the brand's digital communication
Web marketing campaign visual for a luxury brand
Design of an Instagram post for the Saint-Germain brand
Artistic direction and Instagram content for a luxury brand
Web design and social communication by the graphic designer Downtown Lyon
Design of a social post for the brand's visual identity
Web art direction and digital marketing for a luxury brand
community management web agency Downtown
Design d'une carte de visite de luxe embossée
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