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key visual advertising campaign TCL Sytral in Lyon, Art director Downtown
Blockmarck design for a public transport communication campaign


TCL - Sytral


Advertising Concept

Draft Visuals

Art Direction


Country / Year:

France / 2020




TCL Sytral is an institution that manages and develops all the public transportations around Lyon and it's vicinity (Bus, Trams, Metros...). 

To promote its monthly pass subscription and communicate on all the new "Back to school" offers, TCL Sytral gathered many agencies in a call for tender, to create their new print communication campaign.

This advertising concept, designed as a freelancer for pamplemousse agency, juxtaposes the collective, shared and common nature of the public transportation network, with the personal destinations and the individual experiences of the diverse users. This process contributes to the creation of an inclusive, human and positive communication campaign, focused on the product-benefits. Moreover, this allows to adapt the concept for each targeted audience and all price offers.

Mise en situation affiche publicitaire campagne communication TCL Sytral Lyon Directeur Artistique Downtown
Creation of an advertising poster, TCL Sytral Lyon print communication campaign
Design and production of Advertising Posters for Lyon public transport
Bus shelter poster scenario for the new TCL Lyon communication campaign
Creation of an advertising poster TCL Sytral Lyon, Artistic Director Lyon Downtown
Poster and advertising poster layout, new TCL Sytral Lyon print communication campaign
Design of a brand block for the company's print communication
creation of a blockmark for the Lyonnais public transport advertising campaign
Creation of an advertising poster for the transport company TCL in Lyon
Mise en page d'une annonce-presse pour la campagne de communication TCL Sytral, directeur artistique Lyon Downtown
Creation of a print advertising campaign for Lyon public transport
Creation and design of posters, communication campaign TCL Sytral, freelance graphic designer Downtown
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