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Cover image presentation of the logofolio of the graphic designer Downtown Lyon

Logos, symbols, marks & graphic explorations created for various clients since 2015 ...

Logo created for Wow Aspen
Monogram created for the Elevated brand
Cluster logo for Mâcons wine growers
Logotype and personalized typography for Best Day Everyday
Creation of a logo for the Jacques Cartier Center
GreenScreens CBD logo design
Monogram designed for ECS, CBD cosmetic products
Logomark for ECS skincare
Design of a logo for the I-way simulation center
Blockbrand created for a Fatboy event
Artistic direction and logo creation in Lyon for Ecolux
3D monogram for a company logo in Lyon
Custom typography for the Intimade logo and branding
Creation of a logo for the D-Facto brand identity
Typography and logo created for the graphic identity of the Lash brand
Creation of a logo for the Lyon communications agency Hula Hoop
Graphic symbol designed for the Rare brand
Visual identity and graphic patch for the Santini logo
Heart-shaped logo for architect Santini
Conception and design of a professional company logo by the graphic designer Downtown in Lyon
Creation of personalized typography for the logo of a marketing agency
Creation of a flag logo for Spiro branding
Crown logo created for the new Luminyx graphic charter
design of the heart logo for the Aesthetic brand
Creation of a logo with personalized typography
Creation of a logo for the visual identity of lawyer Adam Fink
Monogram and logo for a cooking show
Creation of a logo for the branding of the Sanluka brand
Logo and graphic symbol for the new graphic charter of the company KSTNDRD
Logo in isometric perspective for the company Takevent
Creation of a logo and branding for the Ellina restaurant in Aspen
refined logo for visual communication and artistic direction of Scannell
Spray can graffiti, key visual branding Downtown graphic design in Lyon

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